See yourself here
满足 your People
Beloiters are united in their uniqueness, believe in the strength of an inclusive community, learn from the world around them, stay connected for a lifetime.
Beloiters are united in their uniqueness, believe in the strength of an inclusive community, learn from the world around them, stay connected for a lifetime.
Beloiters learn in every nook 和 cranny of this place. Our flexible curriculum 让你成为你最好的自我企业家,活动家,学者,和人类. And your trusted advisors 和 mentors will give you support 和 encouragement along the way.
Beloit College is creating 学校 帮助你把你的专业和课程与你在这里四年的职业机会结合起来.
在课堂上学到的知识和专业技能的发展之间, certifications, internships 和 job experiences, 你将为一个成功而有意义的未来做好充分的准备.
你所受教育的价值不能用1和0来量化. 这是一种看待世界的新视角,一种无与伦比的学生体验,一种终身关系网. Beloit is worth it.
贝洛伊特Bucs在球场内外、实验室内外都取得了成功. With the guidance of coaches 和 teammates, 学生运动员每天学习宝贵的技能并付诸实践.
Take charge of your schedule, activities, involvement. Join a few things 和 see what fits. Create events. 探索. 释放. 的 world is your oyster.
Beloit is an active 和 vibrant community. 校园里或校园周围总有一些事情发生,丰富你的经历. 现任和前任情人要么创造回忆,要么制造新闻. You can find both here.
We’re bringing it to life.
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